“Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful.”
From the city of Chicago to the tip of South Africa, there was so much beauty to be taken in with every scene that I had encountered last week. While traveling through Cape Town, I had found myself in the presence of a loving and affectionate couple. From the way they connected with each other with a quick glimpse of their eyes, to the passionate hugs and laughter they shared with one another, I couldn’t help but recreate these moments into something that they could hold onto forever.
Carmen & Charlton first met in their local church and now find themselves engaged and soon to be married this July. These two carry this adoring connection with one another and are truly blessed to be in each other’s lives. They have made the promise to make their connection with each other stronger as time goes on and to save their first kiss until the day of their wedding. To wait and dedicate this act of affection to occur on such a memorable day is truly heartwarming. There is no doubt in my mind that these two were meant for each other.
Capturing Carmen & Charlton’s engagement session was a great honor and pleasure for me to do. Being able to step into their world and their environment was truly astonishing. Being put on the spot to find the perfect location quickly was a bit of a challenge considering the drastic difference between my hometown and our sessions location, but in reality, it made for a more adventurist time! With being in such a different environment, the shooting conditions vary from the conditions I’m used to in Chicago. The humidity and lighting in South Africa automatically make the images softer than it does in Chicago. Having these incredible backgrounds for the session also made me consider keeping my f-stop higher to be sure that I was carrying the value of the scene and showing off the beauty of the area as well as the passion between Carmen & Charlton.
Although it was sad leaving such an awe-inspiring trip, I’m glad to be back in Chicago and to continue to prepare for the 2019 wedding season! The anticipation of all the beauty and love that is to come this year is something I cherish in my job every day and I can’t wait for it all to begin!
Tags: africa, cape town, destination photography, engaged couple, engagement photographer, engagement photography, engagement photos, engagement shoot, exotic destinations, lauren ashley, lauren ashley studios, south africa, traveling photographer